LUCAS Explains #3: Why does apple pie with whipped cream affect your museum experience?
What makes art taste good? By serving cake, museums might help you along. Why does apple pie with whipped cream affect your museum experience? Nynke Feenstra explains how a museum visit is part of a complex interplay of experiences that transcend the time and place of your visit.
A triangular-shaped piece of cake with a white, glossy cream topping can be a treat to the eye. But it is not to practice your formal analysis skills that the pie is served for. It is more likely that a piece of apple pie affects your museum experience in a more subtle way. In this vlog, Nynke untangles the museum experience and uncovers some of the conscious and unconscious elements that decide whether your museum experience is mouthwatering or bittersweet.
Nynke Feenstra: 'Why does apple pie with whipped cream affect your museum experience?ABOUT LUCAS EXPLAINS
In the video series LUCAS Explains, young researchers tell about current societal and cultural topics from a historical or fresh point of view. The subjects range from diversity to national identity and from inclusiveness to migration. The videos stretch the history from the Classics to the present and from Europe to Asia. LUCAS Explains is published every other Tuesday. LUCAS Explains is a video series of Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society and SOON media Amsterdam.
Rijksmuseum voor Oudheden, the Netherlands
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Leiden University
Nozem Audio
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