LUCAS Explains #6: Why would you rather see a 3D printed copy of the Goldfinch than the original?
Being in (partial) lockdown since March, it has become hard if not impossible to bathe in the ‘aura’ that original artworks radiate. Liselore Tissen explains how a 3D printed copy of the Goldfinch can bring you even closer to your beloved authentic artwork than ever before.
Stuck at home with a 3D printed reproduction of The Goldfinch, Liselore Tissen had time to look at Fabritius’ painting in a different light. Although it is clearly not the ‘real’ artwork, it is of a special significance as it has helped her through these strange times. Even though the authentic artwork is absent, the reproduction has provided her with a new appreciation for the original artwork. It appears that the artwork’s significance that does not solely rely on an artwork’s physical presence. In this vlog, Liselore Tissen goes into depth on how a 3D printed reproduction can attribute to a deeper connection with the original Goldfinch by Fabritius.
Liselore Tissen: 'A fake painting?! Why would you want to see a 3D print over an original artwork?'ABOUT LUCAS EXPLAINS
In the video series LUCAS Explains, young researchers tell about current societal and cultural topics from a historical or fresh point of view. The subjects range from diversity to national identity and from inclusiveness to migration. The videos stretch the history from the Classics to the present and from Europe to Asia. LUCAS Explains is published every other Tuesday. LUCAS Explains is a video series of Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society and SOON media Amsterdam.
Disclaimer: because of the COVID-19 virus, the publication of LUCAS Explains may be more irregular.
Leiden University Libraries
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Delft University of Technology
Canon Production Printing B.V.
Het Mauritshuis, The Hague
Nozem Audio
© Liselore Tissen and Leiden Arts in Society Blog, 2020. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Liselore Tissen and Leiden Arts in Society Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.